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How to play - "The Players"???  Here is the only way! :Þ

Have Fun!!!

In order to play the game, all the players have to follow the following steps:

The first player rolls the dice to start the game.
The token is then moved according to the number of the dice rolled.

For example: If the dice shows number 3, the token is moved to the third position from the start, and so on.

If the token steps on the safe zone (blank colour), the token is remained there (on the safe zone).
If it steps on a colour zone (red, blue, yellow or green colour), then:
  1. The judge draws a card of the particular colour from the top.
  2. The judge allows the player who rolled the dice to look at the card only.
  3. The player has to choose whether he/she wants to act or to describe the instruction that is written on the card.
  4. If he/she draws the card which could be only acted then he/she must follow the instruction.
  5. The player is then given 30 seconds to do the intruction.  (In some cases, the duration of time would be mentioned on the particular card)
  6. The other players are responsible to give the answer according to what he/she acts or describes in the duration of time given.
  7. The person who knows the right answer has to be the fastest player to ring the bell which is placed in the middle of the board.
  8. If the answer given is correct, the player who rolled the dice is safe (without moving the token or penalised) and the one who answer it can move two (2) spaces forward from the current location.
  9. If the answer given is incorrect or incomplete, the remaining players have a chance to give the answer ONLY if the time is not over.
  10. If no one can give the correct answer according to the description or the action, the player who did the instruction has to move backward to the previous location (before he/she rolled the dice) as a penalty.
If it is a special zone (black colour), the player has to read the card drawn and follow the instruction on the card.
The player who first reaches the finish zone is the winner.


Copyright© 1999 by  The Players™